Hi, I’m Jana.
I started my first blog 2011 during my studies in fashion design and my education as a custom tailor.
Five years later I had made several (work) experiences in the fashion scene, many good ones, but also bad ones. Unfortunately, I came to the point where I felt some kind of disgust for the world I lived and worked in for so long. Quickly I figured that I don’t want to create those feelings and that I don’t want to work for an industry driven by greed, superficiality, narcissism, egoism and jealousy.
Instead of leaving the industry entirely, I decided to change sides (and often choose the vegan cookies). There is a possibility of living a beautiful life, through supporting fair fashion, cruelty-free cosmetics and an ethical lifestyle, to stop this downward spiral of hate, harm and cruelty together.
Oh and since you came all this way to this point, don’t forget to say „Hi“.